We intentionally write blog posts in different categories being a part of this global blogging community. We wish to make it the same value to readers and search engines. Although that remains a dream for many of us. So the question is “WHY?”.In a nutshell, it lacks the quality of seduction. All is up to you, can your content seduce readers, even the crawler bots? Just ask yourself. Let us see the 13 Killer Tips to Write Seductive Blog Posts.
- Which Post can be called Seductive?
- How to Write Seductive Blog Post?
- All Start with your Target Audience
- Mindset your Content Ideas
- Research Like Sir Isaac Newton
- Craft Irresistible Post Title
- Start with an Appealing Intro
- Write by your Heart to the Depth
- Give it a Second Life with Visuals
- Avail the Creative Writing Hacks
- Format Content to Show Your Love
- Make it Delicious for Search Engines
- End with a Prepped Conclusion
- Include a Perfect Call to Action
- Stop Before you Dare to Publish
You might feel a bit worried about “Seduce”. What is it? First to clarify this is neither a business word nor a post type.
Seduce is just a catalyst that helps you understand the needs of your users and search engines. This word is a match made to serve the best from all different aspects.
Which Post can be called Seductive?
Here the question comes, Which type of post has this special quality? How can we identify such a post that seduces?
That’s easy; It will have some remarkable signs that will make it unique. Just ask the following five questions to any post:
- Is the title attractive enough to get noticed among 10’s posts?
- Does it talk about the depth of the topic?
- Do you feel tempted by reading every single line?
- Does it have a special purpose to serve?
- Is it optimized for non-human search crawlers?
If you get all positive answers, it can be certainly called seductive. But no worries, just ask it to ten random posts, and you will get negative results for 6 of them.
How to Write Seductive Blog Post?

Back to the main points, we’ve learned what is seductive. Now let us get started writing up a seductive post.
First of all, it depends upon many different factors as I already told you. For your better understanding, I will show you how to go from step to step.
All Start with your Target Audience
Every single blog works for the target audience. As usual SEO blogs will focus on written SEO articles whereas health blogs will focus on writing health-related articles.
On the contrary, target audiences will look most familiar with his niche content.
For instance, SEO folks will not look into health blogs for SEO-related articles. They will come by the exact SEO blogs that provide SEO articles.
That’s the same for you. First, you need to figure out who is your target audience and what is your niche.
Though you might have chosen it at the very beginning, it’s time to rethink it from the deep of the ocean.
Do you choose niches randomly?
I’ve seen so far that people don’t always choose niches from their expertise areas. Instead, they look for a competitive and profitable niche.
But who will perceive that they might not be able to write such a post for an empty knowledge storehouse?
It doesn’t always make sense that an SEO geek will write an excellent article on medical or health-related topics. So rethink it, what is your niche and for whom you will be writing?
It is always better to choose something from your expertise areas where you believe you are the best.
Mindset your Content Ideas
Next, you need to mindset your content ideas. It’s an important job to identify which type of posts you will be writing on that topic.
It can be divided into two areas of selection. (1) post-type selection (2) topic selection.
(1) Post-type selection
There are dozens of post types. But the following 5 are the most popular.
Just mindset about which type of post you’re going to write up. You should choose the most preferred one depending on your focus:
- Instructional posts
- Resourceful posts
- Suggestive posts
- Review posts
- Visual posts
(2) Topic selection
Topic selection is more important than anything else where your audiences will be depending.
Dumped topic doesn’t always make them excited to read. They will be looking for something new that enhances their skills and adds something to their experiences.
So choose a topic wisely that you will personally love to see if it was on other blogs. For sure it should be unique and attractive enough to draw people’s attention.
Where to generate such unique content ideas? Don’t you have an awesome method to generate blog post ideas?
Then you should look into the following resources:
- Google Search: Yet the most effective idea generator. Just type your main niche word, and you will possibly see many recommendations that people search for. For instance, if I type “blogging” on Google, I will see a lot of trending suggestions.
- Keyword Research Tool: The keyword tools are not just to find keywords with high search traffic. It can be used to generate ideas around your main theme.
- Social Media: Social media can be used to know about the user’s requested topics. Undoubtedly we can leverage it to write on some amazing topics.
- Competitive Blogs: Ugh! Copying ideas is not at all recommended. But brainstorming the basics with them is more than a good idea. You can read other blogs to know about trends and take action.
- Creative Mind: I believe, there is no stronger machine than our mind to generate ideas. Just take refreshments and think from inner peace. You will come along with an idea within minutes.
This step is not yet complete. Now make the dream content model that fits your selected topic. Garnish it with your ideas to make it ultimate. 50% of your content curation process will be done just by making the dream structure.
Research Like Sir Isaac Newton
No one needs to be introduced to Sir Isaac Newton. If you were in the fields of physics, mathematics, astronomy, theology, or even chemistry, then you know who was this big guy.
He was the motivation for human beings, especially bloggers. He taught us how to research day and night to get fruitful results. It’s uncountable how many days he forgot to eat and sleep while researching.
Nope, you don’t need to forget your meals in researching. But you need to give your valuable time to read at least five or ten different posts on the same topic. You won’t believe how many things you will come to learn right after researching.
The process is quite easy. Search your topic on Google and read through the top 5 or 10 results if possible.
For instance, if you’re planning to write up “blogging tips”, search it on Google. You will see several excellent articles including BufferApp, and even CopyBlogger.
Then collect as many points as possible. Take one article from the result, read it through, and collect interesting points in your draft.
Do the same for at least five articles. When you’re finished, filter out the low-important points and try to describe the rest from your knowledge.
Please don’t be a copycat of what most people will avoid. The research is wholly to brainstorm the mind, not to steal others’ efforts.
Craft Irresistible Post Title
The title makes a win-win situation for blog posts. There are a lot of valued readers who decide to read a post or not by the title. So you will keep a solid chance to get some more reads.
Another important question is, which is the optimal title? From my point of view, a solid eye-catching title:
- Describes the post initially
- Works as a clickbait
- Short but truly irresistible
These 3 are the majestic qualities of post titles. So write up a short title, but irresistibly describe the post idea to attract more clicks.
Whether you’re focused on building search traffic or readership, a kickass title is always appreciated.
While you craft your post title, I will always recommend taking these notes:
- Make it as much different than any other categorized posts.
- Keep it short within 50-60 characters. Over that will be trimmed down in search results.
- Stay accurate and descriptive. Make it look like the moral of the blog post.
- Make straight talks while including some necessary weeds to beautify.
Start with an Appealing Intro
What do you think, which element insists a reader read the post thoroughly? You might say “Title”.
Yeah, the title is but only to read the intro. Where the intro attracts readers to read the rest peculiarly.
The intro is a valuable part where we can keep the readers curious to read till the end. We can also see many people don’t take it that seriously. But this is as important as a title to make readers sticky.
So how to prepare an appealing introduction? Firstly, it consists of several elements:
- A brief explanation of the post-topic
- The key points you’re going to describe
- Reasons why the readers should read it
Try to write it up in your appealing style while keeping in mind you need to attract readers. Otherwise, you will lose. It will make you confident and spiritual to write something in short that makes the readers stick.
One important note, You shouldn’t reveal the main takeaway here in the intro.
If you do then, no one would ever read the rest. Instead, give a short hint here and disclose it completely by the conclusion. That’s the plan.
Write by your Heart to the Depth
It doesn’t keep you awaited to the content body is the part where the main values belong.
This is where writers need to pour more and more value. The more you add the info here, the better your readers benefit.
This is the main part where you need to implant spices. Apply the basic concept of content write-up.
From your mindset content model, take a point, describe it in your style to the depth, and finalize it with a takeaway for the readers,
You shouldn’t just stick with it. There is no law of writing. You can write in any style you want, but that has to be valuable for every single reader.
We can see a controversial talk about “shorter vs. longer blog posts”. Believe me, longer posts are always better than shorter ones in my point of view. Why?
Longer content can serve the shorter content values but shorter content can’t ever serve longer content values. However, it is highly recommended to highlight your key sentences so that readers in a hurry can check them instantly.
Give it a Second Life with Visuals
It’s true “an image can say a thousand words”. I’ve realized it not from people’s recommendations, but from my real-life experiences.
Now I kept myself with the true sight; a blog post can’t stand out without the support of visuals.
Do you know, that content can generate 94% more page views by adding visual elements(Source: HubSpot)?
The following statement could be your eye-opener if you were living with the 20th-century formulas.
The days are gone when blog posts were just a couple of paragraphs. Now blog posts are more than just writing. It has formed a realistic way to communicate with readers.
You will have sure-fire chances to improve readership and page views by adding visual elements to your content.
Visual contents are not just images; they could be anything like a video or a presentation that represents content visually.
It’s better late than never! Get yourself planned to add visuals that will talk to you.
It is often a great mistake to add an image just to have one. Instead, pretend it is a form of content upgrade.
Avail the Creative Writing Hacks
Writing is what we can use to draw much attention. There is no rule, no law of writing. It’s all up to you how you manage to write surprising content.
But I know how hard it is to craft a self-owned writing style. It moreover depends upon the skills and experiences.
It might be some type of disaster for very beginners.
It would be quite unfair to let it down by itself knowing the difficulties.
So what is the plan to overcome this?
I think there are awesome writing hacks that will make it glorious while pretending like a very new style of writing.
I can’t wait anymore; the following hacks can dramatically improve your writing:
- Don’t bloat your sentences with jabbers. Keep your sentences easy, so the readers don’t get their tongues twisted. Believe me, no one would appreciate the tough dictionary words.
- Write paragraphs and sentences short so no one gets terrified seeing the length. Stick with writing on a point per paragraph.
- Talk directly like you and me. Because the blog post is a method of communication between the writer and the reader. Mostly avoid third persons so readers won’t get puzzled.
- Reduce using passive sentences, because readers don’t always love them. It forces the brain to work passively. So the readers will be fed up soon seeing them.
These are the most important tweaks the pro bloggers implement. So you will have a superb chance to write like them taking the tweaks in action.
Format Content to Show Your Love
Who cares about formatting the content, isn’t it? The person who thinks in this way is still left with the oversight.
Correct and user-friendly content formation is much necessary similar to writing. So if you avoid it, you will avoid a surefire chance.
So how do you format content properly? That is the same for all. It is better to be in the following sequence:
Headline > Introduction > Featured Image > Sub-Headline > Content > CTA > Sub-Headline > Content > CTA > Conclusion
One of the popular blogs “Social Triggers” created a perfect blog post model.
Make it Delicious for Search Engines
Search engines are another type of readers who read and rank them depending upon the quality. So it is necessary as well to take a good spot on the search results.
That means if your content can persuade the crawlers, you can expect a better ranking.
You think it is tough, so you will be wrong. SEO is as easy as ting if you can understand the term properly. SEO is the process to serve better user experiences; not manipulating search results.
We just need to understand the key areas that search engines will look to. According to Moz, the on-page ranking factors are:
- The title tags especially <H1> and <H2>.
- User-friendly URL structure. Ex: https://www.onlinedecoded.com/write-seductive-blog-post/
- Content wrapped with <div>, <span>, <p>, <body> and no tags.
- Image with alternative texts. Ex: <img src=”Image path” alt=”Alternative texts”>
Check: Tips to write SEO-friendly content
Placing your keywords in them has a superb chance to get a ranking. But search engines are smarter than you think. Nowtoo get better rankings, implement the following tips:
- Don’t make your content 100% optimized. Instead, make it 80% optimized so you will give crawlers no chance to rate it over-optimized.
- Don’t make the fault by placing the same keywords many times on a page. Instead, use LSI keywords. That means using more synonyms rather than repeating the same keywords.
Suppose, your keyword is “blog writing”, search it on Google. You will see “write, writing, writer, blog, blogs, blogging” all words are highlighted. So Google is showing up the pages using synonyms. Use these synonyms where you need your keywords twice.
End with a Prepped Conclusion
The conclusion in blog posts plays a very important role. Everybody thinks it is just like a weed.
But many people including me still think it has great value. So it is obvious to ask me “Why?”.
The conclusion provides the key takeaways for the readers. It summarizes the whole post in a few lines for the readers. So they can keep a worksheet on how to reflect on your work right away.
I think it consists of two elements:
- The key takeaways
- Open questions
Get yourself to summarize the whole post in a few lines while keeping the values the same. Provide the takeaways on how to make it work just like you.
It’s not yet complete. Ask questions and request the readers for suggestions, on what they think about it. Even how to improve it more.
Include a Perfect Call to Action
It is the simplest formula; you will write awesome articles; New visitors will come to read by and possibly leave when finished, isn’t it? Unfortunately, that is not what at all I expect.
On my side, I think one regular blog reader is better than five seasonal readers.
So how you can transform your visitors into loyal blog readers? That is simple, give them a reason to become active members. That will only happen when you set up the perfect call to action.
What is this call to action (CTA)? Speaking frankly, this is a marketing element, that provides the visitors an action to do. While a reader reads an interesting post, he will think in his mind, about how to get engaged here to get some more similar values.
If you can provide them with an action to do after reading the post, they will gradually accept it.
The call to action could be of many kinds. Here are some of the effective calls to action, especially for blogs:
- Ask them to make a comment
- Invite them to join the mailing list
- Encourage them to get PDFs or e-books
- Suggest reading related posts
- Offer them to buy products
Be sure a lot of people will be coming around if you can keep your CTAs relative.
This is an exact method to utilize your readers. You don’t leverage it and you will miss out on a great opportunity.
Stop Before you Dare to Publish
Everything is done, and you’re about to hit the publish button. STOP! It’s not completed yet.
The valuable work was left behind and that is proofreading. Yeah, without proofreading we can’t call a post 100% seductive.
Sometimes it might turn into the reason behind your loss.
So what’s the plan? How to perform the proofreading? Well, there are several methods through which all are intended to correct all spelling and grammatical errors.
I’d personally choose the following method to proofread a post:
- Read by myself at least three more times.
- Use tools like Ginger, and Grammarly to correct known issues.
- Send it to two of my friends to give it a read.
- If they didn’t work, I might go for some proofreading services.
Just do what you can afford to correct all those grammatical and spelling errors. When you think the post has gone totally in the wrong way, consider rewriting it.
I’m sure you can give it a professional touch by proofreading. If you’re all set, you can certainly hit the publish button.
That was the ultimate strategy I used especially for my blogs. So many steps and so much effort, but I’m sure it will be worth your time.
The number of steps is 13 which is an unlucky number. But don’t worry, this post is especially to turn 13 into a lucky number.
So let’s recall all 13 steps to make use of them right away:
- Understand your audiences
- Mindset your content model
- Perform a deep research
- Come up with an interesting title
- Start writing with an appealing intro
- Write to the depth of the topic
- Make use of visual contents
- Implement the writing hacks
- Format content properly
- Optimize it for search engines
- End with a ready-to-go conclusion
- Leverage call to actions
- Do proofread before you publish
Finally, I tried to explain the best ways to write a blog post that attracts search traffic and seduces individuals.
What do you think, is that effective? Which step was most successful in your case? Do let us know your thoughts as we always appreciate them.